Webinar ADR

On 27th January 2021 the ECR Harmonie Sub Working group Dangerous goods has organised a Webinar with the theme of the transport of dangerous goods (ADR). More than 100 people from 21 different countries and from different organisations (ECR, Roadpol and others) attended this Webinar. Consecultively, presentations were given by the following members of the working group:

  • Mr. JeanMichel Piquion gave a presentation about the ECR Harmonie Sub Working group Dangerous Goods, such as how the organization looks like and what the activities, future work, results of this working group are.
  • Mr. Vlastimil Bártů showed in a short introduction some leaflets, which can be used as illustration and education when dealing with certain ADR regulations.
  • Mr. Iliass Zerktouni gave a presentation about the main topic of this webinar, namely the ADR amendments of 2021.
  • Mr. Hennie van der Stokker gave a presentation about COVID19 waste and the practice in the Netherlands concerning this special topic. 

It was possible to look back on a successful Webinar and this is certainly worth repeating.

You can find all presentations of this Webinar here.


Published on
22/02/2021 - 15:00

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