Roadside aggression against traffic inspectors, discussed at the multilateral exchange in Bucharest,

Inspectors from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Spain, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, together with the Romanian colleagues from the Romanian Road Transport Authority – (ARR) gathered for a week (17 – 22 April 2011) to learn about inspection procedures and national legislation in Romania in the field of road transport area, with the focus on the frauds in digital tachograph fraud and roadside aggression against towards control officers.
The first day of the exchange allowed the Romanian Road Transport Authority – ARR to make an overview of its competences (old and newly acquired) and of its structure, to thoroughly present the Road Inspectorate and its organisation, and to tackle with the roadside check procedure, making it possible for the participants to understand ARR functioning and attributions at national and European level.

The dissemination and use of the ECR multilingual lexicon within ARR was the starting point for the second day, making way for the General Delegate of ECR, Mr Schipper, present as assessor, to give a thorough presentation of Euro Controle Route. As the implementation of a risk rating system is a provision of the European legislation, ARR took this opportunity to present the way we it implemented such a system at national level, and also as well as the deployment of checks on the compliance with the social legislation provisions, both in traffic as at the premises. The digital tachograph fraud theme was greatly discussed and analysed, and the vast experience and level of expertise of the participants raised several discussions and during which interesting points were made.
The second day of the exchange also offered the participants the opportunity to see their Romanian colleagues on the job, during the roadside check which was organised with the Romanian Gendarmerie for to illustratinge the way in which we the ARR works when we it deals with cases of roadside aggression. The inspectors made use of their software for tachograph checks, the newly acquired weighing stations for checking the weight of the vehicle, and they checked the cargo securing of vehicles.

The ARR database presentation was highly appreciated by the participants as they had a very clear image of the structure of the information and data inserted, and the way the ARR staff has access to both data and legislation. In Romania, the market of the training centres is a free market, but they have access to profession if their trainers are authorised by the Ministry of Transport, and they must have a proper establishment consisting of a classroom of 20 places, 20 computers, which must be configured in a network architecture imposed by ARR.

The professional certificates are issued by ARR after the process of examination which is managed by ARR. The presentation on professional attestation in road transport gave a detailed insight into this whole process in Romania.
The three working groups made in the end a presentation of their specific themes in the end, indicating the way they deal with certain aspects like roadside aggression in their own country.

Finally, all the participants agreed to the fact were in agreement that the exchange helped them familiarise themselves with the other countries’ working procedures, and they also did managed to overcome the language barriers and get acquainted with their colleagues from other countries.


Published on
03/05/2013 - 11:45

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