Enforcers and IRU brief top EC Officials on Problems applying EU Transport Rules

IRU and Enforcers brief top EC Officials on Problems applying EU Transport Rules

Euro Contrôle Route, TISPOL and the IRU briefed the EU Transport Commissioner’s cabinet on problems faced by both control bodies and industry trying to apply or comply with EU road transport rules. The key message from this public private partnership was that poorly adapted legislation, inconsistent sanctioning policies and divergent interpretations of legislation like driving and rest time rules is undermining the common regulatory framework, road safety, fair competition and good working conditions. Support was gained in principle for identifying ways to ensure a strategic partnership for establishing common training programmes of the industry and enforcers based on joint interpretations of the legislation in question. The meeting followed the IRU, ECR, TISPOL annual meeting where their joint work plan and the key objectives of their cooperation was discussed.

Published on
10/01/2012 - 14:12

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