Bilateral exchange between the Netherlands and Germany

From October 28th until November 2nd the ninth bilateral exchange between the Netherlands and Germany took place in Leiden (NL). Seven inspectors from the German Bündesamt für Güterverkehr (BAG) and six colleagues from the Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILenT) took part.

The participants were offered a diverse programme with presentations, discussion rounds and a visit to the inspectorate headquarters. Particular interest was paid to Dutch approach to tachograph manipulation enforcement and system supervision.
Participants were given a pop quiz to test their knowledge of digital tachograph enforcement.
On Wednesday the participants visited the Aalsmeer flower auction (transport of fresh flower is vulnerable to tachograph manipulation due to the strict delivery parameters) and afterwards German- Dutch inspection duo’s took part in a mobile night-time control.

The week was brought to a festive close in a ceremony attended by BAG management, the German Traffic Ministry. The closing event was apt opportunity for the new director of the Inspectorate to get know his German counterparts.

The evaluation showed that participants judged the week as very informative and a good opportunity to build a network that will assist inspectors in the future when bilateral action is needed.

On a different note, the exchange bodes well for culinary appreciation of Dutch specialties as participants ate 4 kg of Dutch liquorice!
Next year the tenth bilateral exchange will take place in Germany.

Published on
20/11/2013 - 16:00

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