Enforcement and Industry push for enforceable legislation

On December 18th Euro Contrôle Route (ECR), TISPOL and IRU took part in a conference on the enforcement of road transport legisation organized by MEP’s Corien Wortmann (CDA, NL) ,Peter van Dalen (ChristenUnie, NL), members of the EP Transport and Tourism Committee.

During the conference it became clear that even though there is one set of EU legislation governing road transport, in terms of application there are 27 approaches. This makes it very difficult for haulers operating in an increasingly globalized industry. Additionally the patchwork of  different enforcement practices severely hampers 
the exchange of data between member states and effectively leads to ‘blind spots’ in enforcement, where a minority of black sheep endanger fair competition in the entire sector.

There are many issues regarding road transport and just as many possible solutions, but both industry and enforcement feel that absolute priority should be  given to clear, unambiguous and – above all – enforceable legislation. 
Due to the complex nature of the European decision making process legislation is often complex and ambiguous aggravating the problem raised above. Moreover little attention is given to realistic assessment on enforcement capability. 

Therefore ECR, TISPOL and IRU call for an impact assessment with specific detail to enforceability at the end of the legislative process and not just after the initial proposal.
After all to have a compliant and efficient common road transport market it is vital that there is clear legislation that is actively and efficiently enforced in one European enforcement area.

Published on
08/01/2013 - 12:09

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